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difference of phase中文是什么意思

用"difference of phase"造句"difference of phase"怎么读"difference of phase" in a sentence


  • 相位差


  • Implementation of measuring the difference of phase based on bayesian estimation
  • The x47 phase - detector is an analog integrated circuit produced by the 24th institute of the information industry department . the main function of x47 phase - detector is to detect the difference of phases of its two input signals . but it ? erformance can not be analyzed by directly using the orcad / pspice9 ? - - - - a world - wide well known general purpose simulation software , and all circuits and systems using this kind of phase detector can not be directly simulated by orcad / pspice9 either
    X47鉴相器是信息产业部第24研究所设计生产的一种模拟集成电路,用于鉴别两路输入信号的相位,但是却不能直接用通用的电路模拟软件orcad pspice9分析其性能,使用x47鉴相器的电路和系统也不能直接用orcad pspice9进行模拟。
  • In order to improve snr of seismic signal for controlled vibroseis in seismic exploration , a set of phased array vibroseises is developed for generating directional seismic wave by controlling differences of phases between neighboring vibroseises , and a special seismic signal detection method for phased array vibroseises is proposed
  • In this article , a new unwrapping method is presented , which can get the real phase of the image and overcome the influence of the noises . 4 . after the measurement system solves the difference of phase through ftp and makes the data multiply with the calibration matrix , the real height of the object surface can be got
  • Because the thickness is uniform in every crystal , the value of the difference of phases is only determined by the wavelength . specifically , the interference strengthens the magnitudes in some wavelengths , thus the color of that wavelength will be displayed ; on the contrart , in other wavelengths , the interference attenuates the magnitudes , thus the color of that wavelength will disappear
用"difference of phase"造句  
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